Filters let you isolate and analyze subsets of your data. You can use filters on any query type, including the Funnel Report, Cohort Report, People Search, and A/B Test Report.

They can be used to isolate data by specific events or properties. Furthermore, you can use filters to isolate data where a person did a certain event with a specific property or just property. Filters become even more powerful when you nest or chain them together using logical operators.

Filter object properties

Property NameRequired?Description
typeYesFilter type:
- event
- property
negateNoSet to true when you want to filter data by "has not done event" or "does not have property", instead of the default positive "has done" or "has property".
with_propertyNoSet to true when you want to filter by events which have a specific property attached to it.
while_propertyNoSet to true when you want to filter by events where the person has a specific property.
eventYes, if the type is event.The index of the event.
propertyYes, if one of the following:
- type is event
- with_property is true
- while_property is true
The index of the property.
first_everOptional if the filter type is eventSet to true when you want to filter data where the person did the the event for the first time.
frequency_occurrenceOptional if the filter type is event.Set to at_least, at_most, or exactly if you want to filter by the number of times an event was done.
frequency_valueYes, if both of following are true:
- type is event
- frequency_occurrence is set
The value used to calculate the frequency occurrence. For example, at least 1 or exactly 6.
comparison_modeOptional if one of the following:
- type is property
- with_property is true
- while_property is true
The comparison mode to use when filtering by properties, or events with properties. Use comparison modes to filter for specific property values. See Property Filter Comparison Modes.
comparison_stringRequired if comparison_mode is not in_range, any_value, or empty.The string to use when comparing property values.
comparison_range_minRequired when the comparison_mode is in_range.The minimum value when comparing a property that should be within a range.
comparison_range_maxRequired when the comparison_mode is in_range.The maximum value when comparing a property that should be within a range.
date_rangeNoA Date Range object.

Property Filter Comparison Modes

Property Value TypeAcceptable Comparison Modes
Text values"contains", "begins_with", "ends_with"
Numeric values"greater_than", "less_than", "greater_than_or_equal_to", "less_than_or_equal_to", "in_range"
Any values"any_value", "empty", "equals"

Logical Operators

More complex queries will require that multiple filters be chained together as is the case for constructing:

  • All who did/have any of these events/properties (type: "or")
  • All who did/have all of these events/properties (type: "and")
  • All who did/have all of these events/properties in order (type: "then")

Here's how the filter object looks when using logical operators:

Property NameRequired?Description
typeYesOne of the following:
- or
- and
- then
operandsYesAn array of Filters. This can also include nested logical operators, see Nesting Filters .
date_rangeNoA Date Range object.

Nesting Logical Operators

Filters can be nested to abitrary depths by placing Logical Operators within Logical Operators. To visualize, imagine a tree, where Logical Operators can be either AND/OR/THEN and filters can be Event, Property, or EventWithProperty:

// Expression Tree
          /     \
        OR       OR
       /  \      /  \
  Event  Event  AND  Property
               /  \
        Property   EventWithProperty