Help Scout

Help Scout is a help desk application for customer support.

With Help Scout AND Kissmetrics, you can connect the dots between customer support and revenue. Kissmetrics reports will help you answer:

  • Which marketing campaigns pull in unprofitable customers that overwhelm your support team?
  • Why did customers cancel?
  • How does customer support impact retention and upsells?
  • What’s the average resolution time (time between when a new ticket arrives and when the ticket closes) for each help agent?


  1. Within your Help Scout dashboard, visit the Apps page for Kissmetrics.
  2. Enter your Kissmetrics API key.
  3. Select the mailbox(es) you want to connect to Kissmetrics.
  4. Watch Help Scout data appear in Kissmetrics’ Live tab and other reports.

Integration Details

Event NamePropertiesIdentity
Submitted help ticketHelp ticket history: (URL of the conversation)Email address, according to Help Scout
Received help ticket responseHelp agent: the teammate who replied to the customerEmail address, according to Help Scout
Help ticket history: (URL of the conversation)
Responds to help ticketHelp ticket history: (URL of the conversation)Email address, according to Help Scout
Help ticket closedHelp agent: the teammate who replied to the customerEmail address, according to Help Scout
Help ticket history: (URL of the conversation)

Frequency of Import

  • Help Scout data is immediately sent to Kissmetrics whenever support emails arrive, whenever your support team writes back, and whenever tickets close.

Four Examples

  1. When Acme Software, a Help Scout customer, receives a new support email from, Help Scout sends Kissmetrics this data:

👍 did an event: Submitted help ticket which has properties:

  • Help ticket history:
  1. When Pat Jones, Acme’s star help agent, writes back to (and every time Pat writes back), Help Scout sends Kissmetrics this data:

👍 did an event: Received help ticket response which has properties:

  • Help agent: Pat Jones
  • Help ticket history:
  1. When responds to Pat (and every time responds to Pat), Help Scout sends Kissmetrics this data:

👍 did an event: Responds to help ticket which has properties:

  • Help ticket history:
  1. When Pat closes the ticket, Help Scout sends Kissmetrics this data:

👍 did an event: Help ticket closed which has properties:

  • Help agent: Pat Jones
  • Help ticket history: