SaaS Essentials


Welcome to Kissmetrics! This guide is designed to help you implement best practices for tracking SaaS data effectively. As a SaaS business ourselves, we are dedicated to helping other SaaS companies succeed by leveraging customer analytics. Before you begin tracking customer data with Kissmetrics, it’s crucial to define your primary business questions, as they form the foundation for structuring your data schema. By understanding the key insights you want to gather about your customers, you can design a tracking framework that aligns with your specific goals and ensures actionable results.

SaaS businesses aim to guide customers through five major stages in their lifecycle, each critical to long term success:



Getting to know you:

This is where your relationship with potential customers begins. Whether they find you through search, ads, or referrals, this is your chance to make a great first impression!The customer arrives from various channels, such as paid campaigns, organic traffic, or referrals. This stage focuses on tracking how customers discover your service.

Business Question: Which channels are driving the most qualified leads to our service?


The "Aha!" moment:

This is the stage where your customers experience the value of your product for the first time. Help them discover why they signed up and turn curiosity into action!

Business Question: What actions or features correlate with users reaching their "aha moment" within the first week?

Retention & Engagement


Keep the love alive:

Now that they’re onboard, it’s all about showing your customers why they should stick around. Deliver value consistently and keep them coming back for more!

Business Question: What factors influence the likelihood of customers returning regularly?



Spread the word:

Your happy customers can be your best marketers. Give them a reason to share your product with others, and watch the love grow!

Business Question: Which behaviors or incentives drive users to recommend our service to others?



The Win-Win stage:

Your customers find value in your service, and you’re rewarded for delivering it. Track how monetization behaviors drive your growth and theirs.

Business Question: What pricing or subscription plans maximize revenue while retaining customers?

This guide will walk you through recommended events and properties to track at each stage, supported by real-world data schema examples. While every SaaS business is unique, these guidelines provide a strong foundation you can customize to suit your specific processes, market, or industry.

Let’s dive into how you can set up a robust tracking framework and take your SaaS analytics to the next level!

Tracking Acquisition Behavior

The majority of the acquisition events we track automatically. The setup of those would require installing our base JavaScript snippet into the <head> section of every page on your website. You can easily locate the snippet in your Product Settings.

Automated tracking includes following events:

Visited site

This event is triggered when a customer visits your site. We record Visited Site once for each visitor’s browsing session. After 30 minutes of inactivity, the next time the visitor comes back will trigger a new Visited Site event.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Visited siteKM Landing the landing URL when a customer arrived on your website
Referrergoogle.comindicates the URL the visitor came from
KM ContinentNorth Americathe continent where the user is geographically located
KM CountryUnited Statesthe country where the user is geographically located
KM RegionColoradothe state, province, or region where the user is geographically located
KM CityLouisvillethe city where the user is geographically located
KM Device CategoryComputerthe broad category of the device being used (e.g., computer, tablet, mobile).
KM Device TypeComputerthe specific type of device being used by the user
KM Operating SystemMac OS Xthe operating system running on the user's device
KM Operating System VersionMac OS X 11the version of the operating system running on the user's device
KM Browser VersionChrome 86.0the browser and its version being used by the user
KM BrowserChromethe browser being used by the user
KM Screen Resolution2560x1080the screen resolution of the user's device display
ChannelOrganicthe main category of traffic that brought the user to your site (e.g., Direct, Paid, Social, Email)
Channel:OriginOrganic:googlea detailed combination of the traffic source, the specific platform/domain or campaign name (e.g., Paid:weekly promo)
OriginGooglethe specific platform/domain or campaign name that referred the user (e.g., Google Ads,, weekly promo)

Ad campaign hit

This event is triggered when a customer reaches your site through a Google Ad campaign or other tagged paid search links. We detect this by checking the URL for ?gclid or ?utm_parameters, which indicate that a URL was tagged for advertising purposes. If present, any of the following utm variables in the URL will be captured as properties:

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Ad campaign hitCampaign sourcegooglethe value of utm_source, indicating the traffic source (e.g., google, bing, facebook)
Campaign mediumpaidthe value of utm_medium, specifying the marketing medium (e.g., paid, email, cpc)
Campaign nameweekly promothe value of utm_campaign, representing the campaign name or identifier
Campaign contentmainlinkthe value of utm_content, used to differentiate ads or links in the same campaign
Campaign termskissmetricsthe value of utm_term, used for paid search keywords

Page view

This event is triggered every time a user visits any page on your site with our base JavaScript snippet on, and it helps you capture essential details about their activity.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Page URL of the page or source the user came from
Viewed URL of the page the user is currently viewing

The Page view event is incredibly versatile and can provide insights across all stages of your customer lifecycle. Whether it’s understanding where new visitors are coming from during Acquisition or tracking engagement with key pages during Revenue, this event gives you the foundation to better understand your users.

Requested demo

This event is triggered when a potential customer requests a product demo, signaling interest in learning more about your service. As a custom event, its structure will vary based on your business needs. It can be fired on actions like a button click or form submission. Below is an example of how this event could be structured:

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Requested demoEmailtest@test.comthe email of the customer requesting a demo
Company NameKissmetricsthe company name of the customer
Requested athomepagethe page where the demo was requested, the value is going to change depending where the request happens
request demo pageanother example of where the request might occur (e.g., a dedicated demo request page)


Please keep in mind that any Email property you see in the examples is optional. With any custom event, it is up to you to decide whether you would like to send it or not.

Tracking Activation Behavior

Signed Up

This event gets triggered when a customer signs up for an account.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Signed upFirst nameAndyfirst name of the customer
Last nameSmithlast name of the customer
Emailtest@test.comthe email of the customer
Company nameKissmetricsthe company name of the customer
Referral code123abcthe referral code used if applicable

Subscribed to

This event is triggered when a customer subscribes to any content related offering, such as a newsletter, blog, webinar, or whitepaper etc.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Subscribed to newsletterEmailtest@test.comthe email address of the customer
Content subscription typenewsletterthe type of content the customer has subscribed to
Content namemonthly insightsthe specific name or title of the subscription content

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Subscribed to blogEmailtest@test.comthe email address of the customer
Content subscription typeblogthe type of content the customer has subscribed to
Content nameSaaS trends blogthe specific name or title of the subscription content

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Registered for webinarEmailtest@test.comthe email address of the customer
Content subscription typewebinarthe type of content the customer has subscribed to
Content nameMaximizing SaaS Retentionthe specific name or title of the subscription content

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Downloaded whitepaperEmailtest@test.comthe email address of the customer
Content subscription typewhitepaperthe type of content the customer has subscribed to
Content name2024 SaaS Industry Reportthe specific name or title of the subscription content

Logged in

This event is triggered when the customer logs into their account.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Logged inEmailtest@test.comthe email address of the customer

Trial started

This event is triggered when a customer initiates a free or paid trial of your service.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Trial startedEmailtest@test.comthe email address of the customer
Company nameKissmetricsthe company name of the customer
Trial typefreethe type of the trial (e.g. paid, free)
Trial duration14 daythe duration of the trial period (e.g. 14 day, 30 day, 7 day)

Activated Account / Used Core Feature #1 / (Your Definition of Active)

This event is triggered when customers activate your service by completing their first meaningful action. Activation is unique to every business, and it’s up to you to define what makes a user “active.” Think about the minimum behavior that signifies a user has started to experience value from your product.

Here are some examples of what might qualify as an activation event:

  • The customer installs software, a widget, or a mobile app
Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Installed widgetEmailtest@test.comthe email address of the customer
Widget nameAnalytics Trackerthe name of the widget being installed
Installation methodOne click_how the widget was installed
  • The customer completes their profile (e.g., adding key account details)
Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Completed profileEmailtest@test.comthe email address of the customer
Profile typeBusinessthe type of profile being completed
  • The customer publishes their first post or takes an equivalent action
Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Published postEmailtest@test.comthe email address of the customer
Post titleHello Worldthe title of the post
Post categoryOnboarding Tipsthe category of the post
  • The customer invites their friends, colleagues, or team members
Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Invited membersEmailtest@test.comthe email address of the customer
Access leveltemporarythe type of the access provided (e.g. owner, edit, view only)
  • The customer connects their social accounts (e.g., Facebook, Twitter (aka X))
Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Connected social accountEmailtest@test.comthe email address of the customer
Social account typeFacebookthe type of social account connected
  • The customer plays a game or engages with the product for the first time
Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Played gameGame namePuzzle Solverthe name of the game
Score achieved1500the score gained

Tracking Retention and Engagement Behavior

Used Core Feature #1/ #2 / #3 / Etc.

This event is triggered when a customer uses any core feature of your app or service. These events are crucial for understanding how customers engage with your product and identifying opportunities for improvement. The specific features you track will depend on your business, but here are some examples:

For SaaS Survey Tool:

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Created surveySurvey ID12345the unique identifier for the created survey
Survey nameCustomer Feedbackthe name of the created survey

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Ended surveySurvey ID12345the unique identifier for the created survey
Survey nameCustomer Feedbackthe name of the created survey

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Received survey responseSurvey ID12345the unique identifier for the created survey
Survey nameCustomer Feedbackthe name of the created survey
Response Count58the number of responses received for the survey

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Analyzed survey resultsSurvey ID12345the unique identifier for the created survey
Survey nameCustomer Feedbackthe name of the created survey

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Shared survey linkSurvey ID12345the unique identifier for the created survey
Survey nameCustomer Feedbackthe name of the created survey
Survey share channelemailthe channel through which the survey link was shared

For SaaS Website Builder:

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Created websiteWebsite ID12345the unique identifier for the created website

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Picked website themeTheme NameModern Portfoliothe name of the selected theme

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Added custom domainDomain Nameexample.comthe custom domain added by the user

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Viewed site statisticsStatistic TypeMonthly Trafficthe type of site statistic viewed by the user

For SaaS feature usage:

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Used featureFeature typeDashboardsthe type of the feature used (e.g. Reports, Data Export)

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Ran reportReport typeActivity reportthe type of the report generated

Your goal is to track every action a customer could perform aligned with your business questions, so that you have a complete picture of what your customers are doing. If your subscription, app, or service is simple, you may only have a few events to track. On the flipside, if your business is complex, you may have to set up more events in order to capture your customer’s activities.

Clicked Through Email

While being an important action, you don't necessarily need a separate event for this. Our in-built Ad campaign hit event would cover such tracking as long as you are tagging your links from a newsletter, marketing campaign, or product announcement with ?utm parameters.

Event nameProperty nameExample property value
Ad campaign hitCampaign sourcemailchimp
Campaign mediumemail
Campaign termskissmetrics
Campaign contentmainlink
Campaign namemonthly newsletter

Tracking Referral Behavior

Invited / Referred Friend

This event is triggered when a customer refers a friend or invites them to subscribe, sign up, or engage with your product through a social or referral channel. This event helps track the effectiveness of referral programs and social sharing features.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Invited friendReferral recipientfriend@example.comthe email address or other identifier of the person receiving the referral
Referral methodemailthe channel used to refer the friend (e.g. email, social media)
Referral code123abcthe unique code shared with the recipient for tracking the referral
Referral source page where the referral action was initiated

Shared on Social Media

This event is triggered when a customer shares your product or content through social media platforms.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Shared on social mediaSocial platformfacebookthe social platform used for sharing (e.g., Facebook, Twitter (aka X))
Shared contentProduct Pagethe type of content shared (e.g. product page, blog article)
Share URL shared by the customer


Instead of setting up a custom event for this, you may use the ?utmtracking approach which would only require tagging your links.

Sample UTM structure:

Tracking Revenue Behavior

Subscription started

This event is triggered when a customer begins a new subscription, capturing the initial payment details and subscription plan information. It helps you track customer acquisition and measure new revenue.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Subscription startedSubscription billing amount299the amount billed during the subscription cycle
Subscription new revenue299the revenue generated from this new subscription
Subscription typesilverthe type or level of the subscription plan
Subscription paid frequencymonthlythe billing frequency for the subscription (e.g. monthly, annually)
Company namekissmetricsthe company associated with the subscription

Subscription billed

This event is triggered each time a customer is billed for their subscription (once a month if monthly, once a year if annually), capturing ongoing revenue details and plan information. It helps to track recurring revenue and subscription status.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Subscription billedSubscription billing amount299the amount billed during the subscription cycle
Subscription typesilverthe type or level of the subscription plan
Subscription paid frequencymonthlythe billing frequency for the subscription (e.g. monthly, annually)
Company namekissmetricsthe company associated with the subscription

Subscription canceled

This event is triggered when a customer cancels their subscription and stops paying you. It helps to track churn and its revenue impact.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Subscription canceledSubscription billing amount-299the negative billing amount associated with the cancellation (helps ensure revenue tracking is accurate)
Subscription churned amount299the revenue lost due to the subscription cancellation
Subscription typesilverthe type or level of the subscription plan
Subscription paid frequencymonthlythe billing frequency for the subscription (e.g. monthly, annually)
Company namekissmetricsthe company associated with the subscription
Subscription cancelation reasonNo budgetthe reason for canceling the subscription

Subscription reactivated

This event is triggered when a previously canceled subscription is reactivated. It helps to track regained revenue and customer engagement.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Subscription reactivatedSubscription billing amount299the amount billed upon reactivation of the subscription (helps ensure revenue tracking is accurate)
Subscription reactivated amount299the revenue regained from the reactivated subscription
Subscription typesilverthe type or level of the subscription plan
Subscription paid frequencymonthlythe billing frequency for the subscription (e.g. monthly, annually)
Company namekissmetricsthe company associated with the subscription

Subscription upgraded

This event is triggered when a customer upgrades their subscription to a higher plan. It helps to track revenue growth and customer engagement with additional offerings.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Subscription upgradedSubscription billing amount50the amount billed upon upgrading the subscription (helps ensure revenue tracking is accurate)
Subscription upgrade amount50the additional revenue gained from the subscription upgrade
Subscription typesilverthe type or level of the subscription plan
Subscription paid frequencymonthlythe billing frequency for the subscription (e.g. monthly, annually)
Upgrade typecohort reportdescribes the specific feature, capability, or value added through the upgrade
Company namekissmetricsthe company associated with the subscription

Subscription downgraded

This event is triggered when a customer downgrades their subscription to a lower plan. It helps to track revenue loss and adjustment in customer preferences.

Event nameProperty nameExample property valueDescription
Subscription downgradedSubscription billing amount-50the negative billing amount associated with the downgrade (helps ensure revenue tracking is accurate)
Subscription downgrade amount50the amount of revenue lost due to the subscription downgrade
Subscription typesilverthe type or level of the subscription plan
Subscription paid frequencymonthlythe billing frequency for the subscription (e.g. monthly, annually)
Downgrade typecohort reportdescribes the specific feature, capability, or value removed as part of the downgrade
Company namekissmetricsthe company associated with the subscription

User specific properties for tracking subscription health

These properties are not tied to specific events but instead describe the current state of a user’s subscription and payment details. They are crucial for analyzing customer health, creating dynamic populations, and applying filters to reports.

Property nameExample property valueDescription
Subscription statusactiveindicates the user's current subscription status (e.g. active, trial, canceled)
Plan typesilverspecifies the user's current subscription plan type or level (e.g. silver, gold, enterprise)
Paying frequencymonthlyindicates the current billing frequency for the subscription (e.g. monthly, annually, quarterly)

What’s Next?

Now that you have your business questions all set and events and properties defined, the next step is implementation. This means integrating the tracking setup into your platform or application to ensure all relevant data is captured accurately and consistently.

We hope you enjoyed this guide. With any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team at