Person Profile
The Person Profile page in Kissmetrics is a great way to dive into the details of any of your individual users and really start to understand how they are engaging with your product. With this page, you can dive into all the properties that define a user as well as get a very good understanding on how they are engaging with your site/product.
You can find all user properties on the left side of the profile. By default, we will show the current value for each of the properties (except for the Acquisition data which shows the First Value the user has for these properties).
If you would like to see the full history of a property, clicking on the name of the property will allow you to see full history of that property.

Activity Histogram

The histogram offers a full view of a person’s overall activity - displaying a full timeline of their events. By default, you will see all the events the user has done.
Date Range

The date range filter allows you to select the timeframe displayed by the histogram, as well as the Event tab (more below).
By default it shows all of the events that have ever been recorded by the user. However you can use First or Last to select specific ranges, so you can see your earliest or latest history for this user.
Last Allows you to select the number of days previous to the last event triggered, to show events for.
First allows you to show events for X number of days after the user started recording data.
Event Filter
The event filter allows you to highlight specific Events in your histogram, Event tab, as well as the Timeline (more below).
If you want to filter your view of events, simply “Deselect Visible” to “clean the palate.” From here you can search for specific events, select them with the check box and click “Update”. Your Event list and Timeline will adjust accordingly.

And the Histogram will be re-rendered to show only occurrences of that event(s).
The Event View shows you the events that the user has triggered - ranked from most triggered to least triggered.

By hovering over the First Time or Last Time dates in the table, you will be taken directly to that day in the timeline.
The timeline shows the order in which the user has triggered events.

Selecting a date on the histogram will cause the Timeline to re-render showing only the day specified.

History of a Property
Select an event on the timeline to see the properties that are associated with that occurrence of that event.

Just like with the user properties (on the left side), if you click the name of a property here, you will see the history of that property.
Properties at the time of Events
If you click the link at the bottom of an event box in the timeline called, ”view properties at this time”, it will show you the values of your properties at the time the event was triggered.

Here you can see all property values at the time the event was recorded.
Updated over 2 years ago